james browne (penulis) bahasa Inggris
- james: james ii; james iv; james; saint james the
- browne: hablot knight browne; phiz; artemus ward; charles
- browne: hablot knight browne; phiz; artemus ward; charles farrar browne; browne
- noakenshin browne: noah kenshin browne
- charles farrar browne: charles farrar browne; artemus ward; browne
- hablot knight browne: browne; phiz; hablot knight browne
- michael browne (kardinal): michael browne (cardinal)
- penulis: author; columnist; the author; writer; writers; man of letters; poet; composer; autor; essayist; litterateur; scribe
- james: james ii; james iv; james; saint james the apostle; jesse james; king james i; henry james; king james; james i; st. james; william james; st. james the apostle; saint james
- antifon (penulis): antiphon (writer)
- infobox penulis: infobox writer
- kebebasan penulis: poetic licence
- librivox penulis: librivox author
- penulis afrika: african writers
- penulis anak: child writers